3C Automating Audio Effects

Automation enables you to make the Audio Effects change automatically as your song is playing.

1. To show automation envelopes, enable Automation Mode by clicking the button above the track headers 

2. Clicking on a track’s mixer or device controls will display this control’s envelope on the clip track.

3. Envelopes appear in the track’s main automation lane, “on top of“ the audio waveform or MIDI display. (This is useful for lining up breakpoints with the track’s audio or MIDI content.) 

An envelope’s vertical axis represents the control value and the horizontal axis represents time. 

4. The Device chooser either selects the track mixer, one of the track’s devices, or “None“ to hide the envelope. It also provides you with an overview of which devices actually have automation by showing an LED next to their labels. 

5. The Automation Control chooser selects a control from the device chosen in the Device chooser. The labels of automated controls have an LED.

Once an envelope has been selected on the track, several new buttons appear:

6. The [+] button moves the envelope into its own automation lane below the clip. You can then select another automation parameter from the choosers to view it simultaneously. 

7. The [-] button hides its respective automation lane. It is only hidden, the automation still works. 

8. The [triangle] button appears when an envelope is moved into its own automation lane. This toggle lets you show or hide all additional automation lanes.

Draw in Automation

9. Click at a position on a line segment to create a new breakpoint there.

10. Double-click anywhere in the envelope display that is not on a line segment, to create a new breakpoint there.

11. Click on a breakpoint to delete it.

Hands on Task

Add Audio Effects to your tracks and try drawing in Automation.
